Educational Department


SRCMRC is a major educational center affiliated with Iran University of Medical Sciences. The Medical Education Department of Shaheed Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center seeks to train skilled and competent human resource with a view to elevating the quality of education, the willingness and ability to assume responsibility, and the observance of professional ethics. First and foremost amongst the remits of this educational department are planning; devising and coordinating the principles of the educational programs; presenting practical strategies for the enactment of the educational policies of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education; and ensuring the effective implementation of these educational responsibilities in all different educational departments and groups via direct monitoring and harmonizing of their function.

The Medical Education Department is determined to promote the general population’s knowledge and health and to pave the way for an effective scientific exchange with other domestic and international educational centers. To that end, the department does its utmost to utilize novel, cutting-edge informative and educational technologies and to provide opportunities for creative and inventive individuals.




Last Update At : 20 October 2020