Deputy of Education



Educational Department

  SRCMRC is a major educational center affiliated with Iran University of Medical Sciences. The Medical Education Department of Shaheed Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center seeks to train skilled and competent human resource with a view to elevating the quality of education, the willingness and ability to assume responsibility, and the observance of professional ethics. First and foremost amongst the remits of this educational department are planning; devising and coordinating the principles of the educational programs; presenting practical strategies for the enactment of the educational policies of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education; and ensuring the effective implementation of these educational responsibilities in all different educational departments and groups via direct monitoring and harmonizing of their function.

The Medical Education Department is determined to promote the general population’s knowledge and health and to pave the way for an effective scientific exchange with other domestic and international educational centers. To that end, the department does its utmost to utilize novel, cutting-edge informative and educational technologies and to provide opportunities for creative and inventive individuals.


Mission of the Medical Education Department

 The department, in its pursuit of enhancing the country’s health status, endeavors not only to train an expert and proficient force in the various domains of cardiovascular specialties and subspecialties and the nursing Master’s degree program but also to retrain and promote the medical faculty members, nurses, and staff.


 Office of Education Development 


  • Planning for the enhancement of the center’s quality of medical education within the framework of the center’s policies and programs
  • Augmenting the capabilities of the center’s faculty members in the fields of educational planning, testing, teaching methodologies, research, and clinical education management
  • Guiding the center’s educational committees and wards in the fields of the revision of educational programs, the implementation of novel pedagogical methods, the continuous monitoring of the factors influencing the quality of education, and the provision of related authorities with necessary feedback 
  • Conducting research projects on clinical education in collaboration with the center’s wards and educational committees
  • Furnishing the center’s Education Deputy Director with counseling and suggestions concerning the adoption of effective strategies vis-à-vis the quality of medical education


The educational and training programs are summarized in a following table:




Residency- Specialty

Medical degree (MD)


Nuclear Medicine

Prerequisite specialty

Residency -Subspecialty

Internal Medicine


General Surgery

Cardiac Surgery


Pediatric Cardiology


Specialty or Subspecialty


Adult Cardiology

  • Interventional cardiology
  • Echocardiography
  • Electrophysiology
  • Heart Failure and  Transplantation
  • Congenital Heart diseases
  • Cardiac Imaging

Cardiac Surgery

Congenital Cardiac Surgery


Cardiac Anesthesiology

Pediatric Cardiology

Interventional Cardiology


 Specialty or Subspecialty

Shortterm Courses


  • Angiography
  • Echocardiography
  • Electrophysiology
  • Imaging (Cardiac MRI)
  • Imaging(CT Angiography)

Cardiac Surgery

  • Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
  • Aorta and hybrid cardiac surgery
  • Heart failure surgery
  • Heart valve surgery
  • Complex Cardiac Surgery


  • Neonatal cardiac anesthesia
  • Intraoperative echocardiography    






PhD by reserch

Master of Science

  • Critical Care Nursing                          
  • Extracorporcal Circulation Technologist                                        















Last Update At : 20 October 2020