

The dentistry department started its activity when the center was founded in 1970 with a very limited service; i.e. one dental unit only. The number of units, hence the quantity and quality of the services, has increased over the years.

The dentistry department is now operating with 9 active units and is also equipped with a soft tissue laser.

There are 4 full-time dentists who are working in this department.  The services offered to the patients in different dentistry fields include: dental surgery, operative dentistry, periodontics, prosthesis, pediatrics work and last but not least the provision of needed information to the patients about the relation of dental and oral infection with their particular cardiac condition or diseases. Moreover, if necessary different dentistry works present to cardiac patients under general anesthesia.

The department provides services to more than 60 inpatients and outpatients daily.

One of the very useful activities of the dentistry department over the recent years has been the routine checking of all the inpatients regarding their dental and oral problems of infectious nature, which could reduce the change of cardiac infection in the long run.

Last Update At : 27 September 2020